Jan. 27, 2021

Jay Movie Talk Ep.189 Sin City

Jay Movie Talk Ep.189 Sin City

I'm continuing Robert Rodriguez Month with Ep.189 as I talk Frank Miller's Sin City 

*Thought's on Robert Rodriguez 

*Opening-The Customer Is Always Right 

*Bruce Willis seemed too still care about acting here

*Jessica Alba shouldn't have played Nancy

*Senator Roark Speech sounded familiar 

*This was Mickey Rourke true comeback

*Elijah Wood plays a good creep

*The Roark Family is connected too everything corrupt

*Thoughts on Clive Owen

*Rosario Dawson could have been a better Nancy

*Dwight and Jack car scene 

*There is a lot of history between Dwight and Manute 

*Thought's on Josh Hartnett character

and more


Sin City Main Theme


Robert Rodriguez

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